Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kimberley Process Certification Scheme advocates online chat on conflict diamonds

The KPCS has sent invitation to the industry stakeholders across the world and the general public on social media and US state government website, and to join live chat with KPCS chair Milovanovic. She will answer questions on conflict diamonds and the international system for managing trade in rough diamonds to exclude those who fund conflict.

At the 35th World Diamond Congress (WDC) in Mumbai last week, Milovanovic had called upon the global diamond industry to rise up to a new challenge and sought evolution of the KP in order to restore the consumer confidence in diamond products.
Milovanovic stated "Within the KP - and that includes all of you in the industry - we need to discuss and adopt a new definition of 'conflict diamonds', one that will encompass agreed situations of conflict in which diamonds are directly involved. KP certificates must continue to ensure that the rough diamonds are free from conflict; certification should not address human rights, financial transparency, and economic development, which are better advanced through the exchange of best practices."
Milovanovic said the additional certification standards beyond the current definition should apply only to armed conflict and violence that is demonstrably related to rough diamonds and independently verified. It should not apply to isolated, individual incidents, or to circumstances or situations in which an armed conflict exists unrelated to the diamond sector.
According to Milovanovic, KP countries are catching an increased number of false certificates, and we have ensured that they are sent immediately to World Customs Organization and are uploaded to a central location on the KP website so customs officials worldwide have access to them.
"Change in the conflict diamond definition should not hurt the sentiments of Zimbabwe and other African countries. Being the founder members of KP, India and its industry stakeholders will wholeheartedly support new reforms," said a senior office-bearer of Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC).

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